Gente Roma Promo Codes & Discount Codes May 2024

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Gente Roma FAQs

Can I get free shipping at Gente Roma?

Gente Roma provides free delivery on orders of more than 100 euros, and the items are delivered via DHL courier. Monday to Friday, the service is available. Other shipping charges are borne by the buyer and vary according to the country or region of destination. If there are no customs charges calculated at checkout or the sum is less than 10 Euros, the client should pay the courier when the goods is delivered.

What methods of payment does Gente Roma accept?

To complete your order, you have three options: credit card, Paypal, or bank transfer. At checkout, you'll see all three payment options. In order for Gente Roma to process your order correctly, it must reflect the same address as given in the order.

Does Gente Roma have a discount?

Men's and women's clothing at Gente Roma are on sale, with discounts ranging from 40 to 50 percent. If you are dissatisfied with your purchase, you have 14 days to return it for a full refund.

Does Gente Roma have a student discount?

Yes. Gente Roma knows because the living expenses of college students and high school students are currently supported by their parents, the amount of money that can be consumed at is very limited. So Gente Roma especially provides Coupons for this group of students to use.

Do I need to sign up for emails at Gente Roma?

Yes, you need. In order to make you satisfied with every purchase in the Gente Roma, you can use email to register as a member of Gente Roma. Gente Roma attaches great importance to the feelings of members, and will also send you the latest Gente Roma Promo Codes via email.

How long do Gente Roma Coupon Codes last?

For different Coupon Codes, the validity period set by Gente Roma may be different. If you want to confirm the exact period of use, you can click each Gente Roma Coupons in order to enter the use explanation page to view the expiration time and other rules of applying your Gente Roma Promo Codes.

How to save at Gente Roma?

Gente Roma often offers various Coupon Codes on a regular basis in order to save you up to $12 for shopping. You can save a lot of money as long as you use it within the validity period specified by the Gente Roma coupon!

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